The owner of a trademark is not required by law to use the trademark symbol. It is a good idea to use a symbol, however, because it can help prevent people from using your trademark illegally for their own products or services. Successfully registering a trademark requires expert knowledge. To get help, Trademark symbols There are five trademark symbols that are generally used: R (registered ...
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However, if you are going to distribute your work to the public, you should use the copyright symbol to let others know that the work is protected. If you do not mark your work as copyrighted using this symbol, and later sue someone for copyright infringement, you will likely be awarded lesser damages.
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In Canada, the act of creating an original work immediately establishes a copyright for the creator. It is not necessary to register a copyright to have the copyright rights in Canada. Once the work is put in a fixed form, for example, a story written on paper, you automatically have copyright protection. If you want to register copyright in your works, for a small fee, you can do so with the ...
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